Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Christmas Gifts

Here is a list of some of my favorite gifts to give at Christmas. I know everyone is different, but these have often been great hits among everyone of all ages.

1. books

2. magazine subscription

3. restaurant gift card

4. retail gift card (Wal-Mart, Target, etc)

5. food gifts (bread, granola, salsa...)

6. christmas ornaments

7. the receivers favorite candies

8. photos

9. frames for above photos

10. money


tripleZmom said...

Restaurant gift cards are such a fun gift. BTW, there's something for you on my blog!

silken said...

yeah, we like giving and getting those.

thanks for the "award"!

Bestfreebies said...

If you want to earn some extra money buying those gifts, or some free nectar points, or get freebies from internet, visit my blog at